A "Yes" vote approves, and a "No" vote rejects, law replacing money bail with system based on public safety and flight risk. Fiscal Impact: Increased costs possibly in mid hundreds of millions of dollars annually for a new process for release from jail prior to trial. Decreased county jail costs, possibly in high tens of millions of dollars annually.
Chart depicts total fundraising by all committees primarily formed for and against Prop 25.Totals are updated daily with contributions from Power Search and adjustments from the most recent Political Reform Division analysis.
Showing the 10 largest contributions to committees formed primarily for and against Prop 25 in the election cycle when it appeared on the ballot. Contributions in earlier election cycles and contributions between allied committees are excluded. For more information on funding for ballot measure campaigns, visit the Power Search campaign finance search engine.
A YES vote on this measure means: No one would pay bail to be released from jail before trial. Instead, people would either be released automatically or based on their assessed risk of committing another crime or not appearing in court if released. No one would be charged fees as a condition of release.
A NO vote on this measure means: Some people would continue to pay bail to be released from jail before trial. Other people could continue to be released without paying bail. Fees may continue to be charged as a condition of release.
For background on Proposition 25, an analysis by the legislative analyst, endorsements for and against the measure, and more...
Yes on 25 replaces money bail with a fairer, safer and less costly process. Currently, if a person can afford to pay a bail bond company, they go free until trial. If they can’t afford to pay, even if they’re innocent, they stay in jail. That’s blatant discrimination. Vote YES.
Prop. 25 was written by Sacramento politicians to take away every Californian’s option to post bail and replaces this right with a new DISCRIMINATORY system of computer-generated PROFILING administered by government bureaucrats—costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Prop. 25 is unfair, unsafe and costly. Vote NO on Prop. 25.