Preserves requirement that public schools ensure students obtain English language proficiency. Requires school districts to solicit parent/community input in developing language acquisition programs. Requires instruction to ensure English acquisition as rapidly and effectively as possible. Authorizes school districts to establish dual-language immersion programs for both native and non-native English speakers. Fiscal Impact: No notable fiscal effect on school districts or state government.
Chart depicts total fundraising by all committees primarily formed for and against Prop 58.Totals are updated daily with contributions from Power Search and adjustments from the most recent Political Reform Division analysis.
Showing the 10 largest contributions to committees formed primarily for and against Prop 58 in the election cycle when it appeared on the ballot. Contributions in earlier election cycles and contributions between allied committees are excluded. For more information on funding for ballot measure campaigns, visit the Power Search campaign finance search engine.
A YES vote on this measure means: Public schools could more easily choose how to teach English learners, whether in English-only, bilingual, or other types of programs.
A NO vote on this measure means: Public schools would still be required to teach most English learners in English-only programs.
For background on Proposition 58, an analysis by the legislative analyst, endorsements for and against the measure, and more...
Teachers, parents, school principals, local school board members, and Governor Jerry Brown support Proposition 58 to help students learn English as quickly as possible and expand opportunities for English speakers to master a second language. Proposition 58 gives school districts local control to choose the most effective instruction methods for their students.
Prop. 58 is not about modernizing the way we teach English. It’s about eliminating parental rights to an English-language education for their children. English-language success has been spectacular. Immigrant children are learning English faster than ever before and record numbers of immigrant students are gaining admission to our universities.