Prohibits Legislature from passing any bill unless published on Internet for 72 hours before vote. Requires Legislature to record its proceedings and post on Internet. Authorizes use of recordings. Fiscal Impact: One-time costs of $1 million to $2 million and ongoing costs of about $1 million annually to record legislative meetings and make videos of those meetings available on the Internet.
Chart depicts total fundraising by all committees primarily formed for and against Prop 54.Totals are updated daily with contributions from Power Search and adjustments from the most recent Political Reform Division analysis.
Showing the 10 largest contributions to committees formed primarily for and against Prop 54 in the election cycle when it appeared on the ballot. Contributions in earlier election cycles and contributions between allied committees are excluded. For more information on funding for ballot measure campaigns, visit the Power Search campaign finance search engine.
A YES vote on this measure means: Any bill (including changes to the bill) would have to be made available to legislators and posted on the Internet for at least 72 hours before the Legislature could pass it. The Legislature would have to ensure that its public meetings are recorded and make videos of those meetings available on the Internet.
A NO vote on this measure means: Rules and duties of the Legislature would not change.
For background on Proposition 54, an analysis by the legislative analyst, endorsements for and against the measure, and more...
Prop. 54 stops special-interest, surprise legislation from passing either legislative house without 72 hours for review. Prop. 54 posts all the Legislature’s public meetings online, so voters can review legislators’ public actions. A bipartisan coalition of good-government, taxpayer, minority, business, and environmental groups backs Prop. 54. Requires no new tax money.
A NO vote continues free Internet & TV access for any California citizen to see how laws are made. A NO vote also prevents special interests like tobacco, oil, and drug companies from delaying passage of state laws. A NO vote also limits political “attack” ads.